Services & Worship
The occasions when we come together with sincere intention
to offer our prayers and be in harmony with God and each other.

Sunday Services
8 am 10 am 5:30pm
Our weekly worship during which we we unite ourselves with others to acknowledge the holiness of God, to hear God’s Word, to offer prayer, and to celebrate the sacraments.
Join us in person or live on Youtube.

Morning Prayer
Monday - Thursday 8:45am
Fr. Patrick welcomes most weekdays with Morning Prayer. Held in our chapel, the service lasts about 15 minutes and is designed to send us off on the right foot as we begin our days.
Compline and S'mores
Wednesday 8:00pm
Think of compline as a communal bedtime prayer. During the summer, we gather in the Memorial Garden (or inside if the weather is uncooperative) for a brief service of compline followed by time around the fire pit to chat and make s'mores. During the colder months we meet for compline on Zoom).
Holy Day Services & Vigils
There are liturgical events throughout the year so fundamental to our faith that we recognize them in addition to our weekly Sunday services. For example, we rejoice during special worship at Easter and Christmas and somberly reflect during Good Friday vigils. Sometimes there are even pageants, because who doesn't love costumes!

Blessing of the Animals
In early October we commemorate St. Francis and, in recognition of his love for all of God's creation, we bless our beloved pets. Bring your live and/or stuffed animals—or a photograph if your pet would rather not socialize—and join us for this wonderful celebration of all God's creatures. As you can see from the photo, everyone gets excited about it!

Blessing of Homes
We have a liturgy to designate our homes as havens of blessing and peace. Whether you've recently moved into a new home or have lived in the same home for decades, if you are interested in having your home blessed or just want to learn a little more about this service, let us know!

Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals
celebrating life in the church
In the waters of baptism, we are lovingly adopted and welcomed by God into God’s family, which we call the Church, and given God’s own life to share and reminded that nothing can separate us from God’s love. Baptism is also a time when the community of faith gathers together to renew its own commitment to Christ and to support those who are being baptized. It as an occasion for celebration.
Funeral services find all meaning in the resurrection; because Jesus was raised from the dead, we, too, shall be raised. The liturgy, therefore, is characterized by joy. This joy, however, does not make human grief un-Christian. So, while we rejoice that the one we love has entered into the nearer presence of our Lord, we join in sorrow and sympathy with those who mourn.
For those wanting to celebrate the sacrament of marriage in our Episcopal Church, know that our parish family will do everything in its power to ensure your wedding day is as spectacular as the love you have for each other. Our community will always be here to support and celebrate you, as individuals and as a couple.
Last Rites
Our prayerbook instructs us: When a person is near death, the minister of the congregation should be notified so the ministrations of the church may be provided. To that end our clergy are available to offer prayers and comfort in these sacred moments.

Memorial Garden
Created in 1988, our Memorial Garden is the final resting place for people—parishioners and neighbors alike—who choose to be interred in a familiar and peaceful setting close to our beautiful church.
The Garden offers a meditative interpretation of a traditional church graveyard; set atop a quiet knoll east of the building, it's an oasis of plantings and serene, undulating paths that is perpetually cared for by the Church.
Plots (approximately nine square feet) for the interment of cremated remains are available to be reserved. If two people choose to be buried together, their ashes may be placed in separated vessels and buried in a shared plot . The purchase price of a plot, including an unpolished Berry Granite stone measuring 12” x 24” x 4”, engraved with the names and appropriate dates of the persons interred, is currently $2,500.00.
Memorial plaques are also available, and can be mounted on the stone walls of the garden in memory of family members interred elsewhere. The cast bronze plaques feature raised lettering measuring 6” X 10” and are priced at $625.00. If you wish to remember a loved one in a different manner, members of the Memorial Garden Committee would love to work with you to find a way to memorialize your loved one in the garden (perhaps with a bench, tree, or additional planting).
A package containing detailed purchasing information is available in the church office. Please contact: Dale West, Parish Administrator at 401-245-4065 or for more information.