Visiting St. John's

What to expect on a Sunday morning


You belong

Here at St. John's we believe that just as God loves all people, we are called to love all people. No matter who you are or where you are coming from we believe you belong here with us. Whatever your race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical or mental ability, no matter if you're a cradle Episcopalian, coming from another tradition or no tradition at all, we believe that you are a beloved child of God and that you belong here.

Parking and Accessibility

We have plenty of parking, a few small side lots as you enter our property and a larger lot behind our building. There is handicap accessible parking available in the small lot on the side coming up from the stop light. Our parish hall and worship space are both handicap accessible as well.



Children of all ages are not only welcome but encouraged to attend worship with us. We are working on bringing back nursery care for our children four and under until then our nursery is available for adults to sit in with their little ones. Our nursery is located just outside the doors between Field Hall and our worship space. Children from pre-k through fifth grade are welcome to join our church school classes, located in the rear of the building. Our church school kids join the service at passing of the peace.

Our Worship

Our worship comes from the Book of Common Prayer, which you will find in your pew, along with our hymnal. When you arrive an usher should hand you a bulletin which will point you where to go in the prayer book, and in the hymnal for our 10am service. At our 5:30pm service the entire liturgy is contained in the bulletin. Our worship begins with some opening prayers, followed by readings and a sermon and more prayers. Our worship culminates with the Holy Eucharist, or Holy Communion, the blessing and sharing of bread and wine. At our 10am service there is music, whether hymns (everyone sings), anthems (just our choir sings) or chanted psalms, throughout the entire service. Our tradition in the Episcopal Church is that all baptized Christians, not just Episcopalians, are invited to share this meal together. If you would rather not receive the bread and wine you may still come forward to receive a blessing from our priest (crossing your arms over your chest signifies this to the priest). If you have not been baptized and are considering it or have questions about it Fr. Patrick will be happy to discuss baptism with you.


Coffee Hour

Following our Sunday morning services you are invited to join us in for Coffee Hour in Field Hall, located just outside our worship space through the doors on the right when you are facing the altar. Each week different parishioners share baked goods for us to enjoy. Come join us for a cup of coffee or tea, something to snack on and some fellowship with one another.